Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I Wana Hold Your Hand

Just remember, where ever, when ever
my hand is always
yours to hold when you just
need someone to talk to!


Friday, October 7, 2011


How do you tell someone who has a crush
on you that you aren't interested?

Remember that whole 3 guys thing, 
Just went up to 4. 
O geez, soon enough theyll all be
done though. :)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Lover Lover

"I know you used to love me, but that was yesterday." 
~Jerrod Niemann Lover, Lover

So it seems to always work out this way. 
There are 3 boys that Im interested in
and that could actually have potential. 

But in the end, I know it will end up like all 
the other times Im in this situation. 

I end up with none. 
"O, Hello Mr. Heartache, Ive been expecting you."
~Dixie Chicks


Monday, October 3, 2011


Is it such a bad thing to want to throw your heart
at the feet of someone else?

To want to make them smile and to do 
what ever you can to brighten their day?

I may be what some call a hopeless romantic,
but I see it as just being able
to love someone else, as best you can.


Best Man

This week I have recieved one of the highest
honors a person can possibly get. 

That is to be asked to be someones best man in 
their wedding. 

I basically cried when I was asked cause I have
never had anything as honorable 
be asked of me. 

I said yes of course and will do my duty well!! :)


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What You Are

Everyone has something that best represents them
Wheter it be an animal, an astrological sign, another person
an ideal, or many other representations. 

I recently found mine. 

One symbol. 
So many meanings. 

Delta stands for a thousand different things. 
For greece, for change, for water systems, 
for societies, for force, for language...

But the one that is most important to me is the fact
that it stands for change. 
Something that I am always going through, 
and am currently passing through another loop. 

So whats that one thing you can show or explain
to someone that represents you best?


Thursday, September 22, 2011


Its here!! 
The best season of the year!
Where sweaters combine with sandals, 
and walks in the park increase. 

So excited its here,
Wish it could stay all year!


Sunday, September 11, 2011

Once in a Date Time








Which one would you do?


Thursday, September 1, 2011


Sometimes you just have to sit
back and enjoy the ride.


Tuesday, August 30, 2011


When it gets down to it
we are all just made up of
the same basic pieces.

Some, however, like to think
their pieces are better than 
everyone else's.


Thursday, August 4, 2011


: A taste for suffering. 

I believe this is what I must have. 
I seem to enjoy making my self hurt
Especially after what I did, I cant stop beating myself up
But I know it wasnt all my fault but I still feel fully responsible. 

This is what I want to do to myself
This will fix everything


Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Its so strange how one moment a person to 
think so highly of themselves 
but two hours ago have felt
like they were the ugliest person in the world. 

For example I love this photo
and think that I could actually be pretty charming. 
And then I become confident and think I can get all the boys

But this one I hate. 
It just isnt an appealing shot. 
The wierd thing is that they are taken
within 5 minutes of each other. 

So im making a push, to be a little more comfortable 
with myself and hope that you will join me in the fight!


Wednesday, July 20, 2011


This is what you have done to my life. 
This is how I felt ever since those many years
when ever your name was brought up. 

You have made my life a living hell

Ever since my friends have not mentioned
your name as they know i will be silent for hours.
Please just leave me alone. 


Monday, July 18, 2011


Why does the past come to bite me in the but now?
To have so many things entering back into my life. 
Some chosen, others simply entered. 

Its, simply different to have something that you
thought gone for ever, resurface
and bring back such nostalgia you 
could never have dreamed of. 


Sunday, July 17, 2011


Mother's are angels that simply 
have forgotten how to fly. 

"All you said honey was just give it a chance."

Love your mother always
Cause you never will know how
much you really will miss her
when or if she ever leaves.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

The End

Emma during Sorcerer's Apprentice

So comes the end of a wonderful tale. 
This has litterally been my generations marking
details of our life. 
To prior ages it was the wars that marked their age. 
But to us, we grew up with harry, ron, and hermionie. 
They were our same age, same aspect, and everything
we wished for. 
And sadly, tonight @ midnight, it all comes to an end. 
But, just as families have passed down their age's movements
so will mine pass down HP.

The End of Hermione

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Boatman Dance

This song is going to help me get through these next few weeks. 
MR History is fascinating... Art History however is just a hastel. 
But the little kids I get to teach are so much fun, wish I could go 
another week with them yet. 

Friday, July 8, 2011

Great News

Found out that Minneapolis is a 3.0
acceptance instead of a 3.8. 

Great news can make your week YEAR!! :)

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Pride 2011

So it was my second Pride this past weekend, 
and what a Pride it was.
This was my first time being of age so ofcourse I took the 
opportunity to access my 21 years of age abilities. 
Lets just say it helped me relax more and to
really enjoy myself while I was there. 
The first night was the foam party (which was amazing)
I was all for everything. The dancing, the drinking, the drag queens
and even the foam. Ran into the 10ft pile of foam with the best of them
and drove everyone else in there with me. Was a great time. 

The next day was recuperation day, and we got to visit this wonderful
gay friendly resturaunt called Keys. The whole place was packed with 
homos and served by homos. It was a blast. 
Later that day we all headed out to Lohring park (Finally) where we 
walked around and got to see all the booths. 
Ran into my Varsity-Team-Captain there. Never would have
suspected that he was gay, but I guess he just came out 10 months ago.
Was nice to chat with him. 

The limited addition Old Navy Shirt I got to wear. (Only 3 others seen)

We left Lohring early, I didnt get to stay as long as I wanted to, 
but didnt want to get left behind either, plus the boy that
I brought along with got pissed at me cause
Im not interested in him, so that was drama. Sadly I brought
the drama for this group outing (doesn't happen often.. I think)
We all headed back to our hotel then and just relaxed, played a few games.
Sexy Taboo was by far the best. Then it was another night out at the clubs (Saloon, and
one other one where there were supposed to be nothing but lesbians but turned
out it was nothing but boys). 

Blacked out on the taxi ride, but apparently made out with everyone inbetween 
the hotel and the other club... .ooops. 
Headed to the saloon with a boy afterwards and had a great time there. 
Nothing but guys there (with a few fag hags).
Was in line for a drink and this one chick and I just randomly
started dancing in line, best thing ever. Also
commented on how cute a couple the boy and I were. lol Love!!!
Also saw Mat there too. Random, but nice to check up. 
Alot of texting that night with the past boys to. Got to see a few of them. 

Saw so many of these shirts @ Lohring

Next day was the 2011 Pride Parade which was fantastic. 
Got a whole bunch of pictures and free stuff from it so total success. 
Sadly had to head out right after that for home cause others had to 
get back for finals studying. Kinda nice though cause I went to bed
at 4pm that day and didnt wake up till 8am for class the next day. :)
Over all great weekend!! :)

NY goes gay 6/24 while we are there!! :)

Friday, June 17, 2011

Family= LOVE

Family is not racist, sexist, socioeconomic, agist, etc. 

Family is those that you care for and whom care for you. 

So take care of those whom you call family. 
Gay Daddies from Pride 2011

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Craning for a Crane

So this month I decided that I wanted to make as many paper cranes as I can 
(hopefully 100+)
That I can then hang from my ceiling in my dorm room. 

I simply thought this would be an interesting way to decorate my room
(which is actually very time consuming and difficult)
but on my journey I found a little more. 

I was able to remember a book I was told in high school, many of you probably
remember being read it in like elementary school. 
Its call Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes.
Thus, now I have a big motivation to make at least 100 and get them put up.

I also found out a little Japanese folklore with paper cranes. 
Making 100,000 paper cranes for someone's wedding is wishing them 
100,000 years of prosperity and happiness.
Also, if you make 100,000 paper cranes you are supposed to be 
granted any one wish of your choosing (Sadako).
Its all very interesting. 

So wish me good luck as I take on this task of making so many cranes.
And if you would like come over and make one yourself!!

Monday, May 30, 2011


Never limit yourself to anything. 
As they say the Sky is the Limit and you 
must always think outside the Box to 
Achieve what it is you want most in Life.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Home A Day

Today I’m home
Relaxing with the family, playing games, and ordering my siblings around.
Its always so nice to be back, to not have to worry about all the responsibilities and tasks to do.

 However tomorrow, I have to go back. 
Back to all the work, drama, and chaos of school and me trabajo. 
All I will do however, is dream, dream about someday having my own home with you. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


So there has been plenty going on in my life. Sorry for the loss of posts recently.

Basically whats been going on in my life (even though I know you probs dont care ;P)
~Summer school has started (Microeconomics), and its o so wonderful. ... Ugh

Then there is a boy in my life right now, except for the fact that im not sure if I like him or not.
Always seems to happen. The ones I do want dont want me, and the wants that do I dont want them.

Anyway, summer RA and everything is going well. Plenty of friends to chill with and can be very relaxing at times. :)

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Tight binds of restriction it’s time to set me free
Loosen up these chains and please just let me be
Free to sing like a bird and soar high like a Dove
Enjoy happy freedom and true meanings of love

Sweet joy erodes the harsh bitterness of life away
With wonderful sights to be seen every single day
Just imagine a soft carpet under branches so proud
Shimmering and moving gently like a floating cloud

Relax - be still. Relax - let it go.

The beauty of Bluebells, such richness truly unique
Inspiring tranquillity and peace so many of us seek
Feel their soft caress tinged with early morning dew
And let spirits roam free dreaming of happiness anew

Tight binds of restraint you cannot hold me anymore
I am no longer afraid to seek that forever open door
I will sing and dance, relish life’s pleasures with glee
And never stop wondering at all the marvels I can see.