Friday, April 29, 2011

Need v.s Want

Something I Need, But Don't Want

Somedays you want something so bad, 
but you cant get it off your mind. 

Then there are days that you need to do something, 
But its the last thing you want to put on your mind.

I'm stuck with both. 

Something I Want, But Dont Need

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Test Anxiety

So, in my intro I may have lied. This and next week is finals, and I am kinda really scared. Biochem 2, Calc 2, and Microbiology have officially taken over my life. Starting studying this far in advance though will hopefully help out.

This Is How I Fell Often Times
Tips for Science Majors:
                             1) Have Fun
                                     2) Sleep When you can
                                           3) Laugh at your professors often
                                                  4) Draw pictures everywhere

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Looking Back

So I have already had a few people ask me where I got the title for my blog (Eyes of A Mirror) from. So I says to myself "Kaleb, you should write a blog on it.....So I am."

Yep, thats my story. Hope you enjoyed. ;)

Eyes of A Mirror comes from the idea that when you look into a mirror it gives you the image it sees back. This blog is for me to look back at myself, at all the experiences that I have gone through.  So there will be a lot of personal information on here.

So you'd best to respect, foo!! ;)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Taking A Dip In You and Me

Hey there everyone, and welcome to my blog. My name is Kaleb, I'm a 21 year old student going for a masters in pharmacology (wow, I know... but its not all that hard, you could do it if you tried ;) ). Any who, this blog is all about my wonderful inner workings so ill give you a quick background.

Ive been interested in sports (soccer, vball, running, swimming, hiking), science, people, LOVE books, and music. Im a pretty open minded guy to just about everything, even though i may give you crap about what ever it is, Ill support you through it all. I'm also pretty good about listening to people just when they need to talk. ... However Ive been called a Loose Gunned Lip before. ;)

Me... of course
 So stay tuned to all the gossip that I provide, it always gets pretty interesting, especially when I do have a toe in just about everything from politics, to religion, to campus clubs and my social groups.